Before you buy a water tank or tank liner for storing your all-important drinking water supply, you must learn about the standards put in place to keep you and your family, or the families affected by the water storage, safe. One such standard, the NSF 61 Standard, directly affects the materials used to store the drinking water. Learn about the NSF 61 Standard and its effect on drinking water storage and avoid choosing an uncertified, harmful water storage solution.

What Is the NSF 61 Standard?

The easiest way to understand the difference between other water quality standards and the NSF 61 Standard is by remembering the controversy surrounding bottled water. While the water inside bottles is safe to drink, after enough time and under enough heat or pressure, the plastic may leech harmful chemicals into the water and render it harmful.

With an NSF 61 certification, the manufacturer makes it known that their products won’t leech contaminants that cause adverse health effects into the water. This applies to every part of the drinking water storage process, including water tanks, tank liners, and plumbing.

The Certification Process

When a manufacturer purchases an evaluation of their products, the NSF analyzes all components and materials in the product. They also visit the manufacturer to see the process of the product’s creation and perform an overall quality control check. Once the manufacture undergoes this thorough process, NSF grants them the ability to use their logo on their packaging. NSF will also perform unannounced annual inspections to ensure manufacturers maintain the standard.

NSF 61 Standards in the US

The NSF 61 certification is completely voluntary in the United States, as the NSF is not a government agency—though many health evaluation organizations refer to the NSF standards as a guideline due to their credibility. If your water supply matches NSF 61 standards, you’ll ensure the components won’t contaminate your drinking water and cause harm to your family.

Some states, such as California, require all companies that handle drinking water storage components to follow the NSF 61 Standard and receive a certification. By complying with the standard, people who use the company’s drinking water storage won’t face illness or adverse health effects.

At Royal Liner, we are one of the tank lining companies that respect the NSF 61 Standard and its effect on drinking water storage and do our part to provide consumers with safe, potable drinking water. By lining your drinking water storage tank with a customized NSF 61 Standard Royal Liner PVC lining, you’ll guarantee fresh water without any harmful plastic or outside contaminants.