Winter is in full swing and with it comes frigid temperatures and blistering winds, and it can be difficult to keep cistern and waters tanks in working condition when the weather turns bad. With cold and snow threatening to freeze everything in its path, you need to take precautionary measures to ensure your water tanks don’t freeze. You may not be able to stop the cold weather entirely. However, with these tips for how to keep water tanks from freezing, at the very least, you’ll be able to stop its harmful effects.

Check for damage

The first tip for how to keep water tanks from freezing is a purely precautionary measure. Assessing your water tank for signs of cracks or damage before the first frost will help reduce the potential for further damage once the cold weather truly sets in. Even small cracks can lead to extensive damage in the future if not properly tended to. These cracks allow cold air to enter the water tank, making it easier for the water inside to freeze. If your water tank does freeze, even slightly, the water and ice will expand, causing the water tank to do the same. As the tank expands to accommodate the ice, these small cracks will begin to grow and will lead to more extensive and costly damages. Installing a water tank liner will help protect your water tank against even the smallest cracks and will reduce the risk of further damages in the future.

Create movement

Knowing how to keep an above-ground water tank from freezing means inspecting it for damage, but you also need to ensure your water is moving. Even a 1000-gallon water tank can freeze if the temperatures are cold enough. Movement and fluidity will be your greatest adversary in the fight against frozen water tanks. Preventing the water in your tanks from becoming stagnant will reduce the rate at which ice can form. Regularly mixing the water in your tank will also help break up any surface ice that may have formed in the tank. There are a few options to ensure regular movement in your water tank. Some people elect to install a mixing system to help the water circulate throughout the tank, while others prefer to manually mix the water.

Install heating and insulation system

Insulating your water tank and installing a heating system will also help prevent freezing during cold weather. When installing insulation, be sure to only insulate the sides and top of the tank, not the bottom. Insulating the bottom of the water tank will prevent warm air from entering the tank and will increase the likelihood of freezing. Conversely, insulating the top and sides of the tank will help trap that warm air inside the tank and maintain a higher temperature throughout the tank. A frozen water tank is a common problem, but you can avoid it. To learn more about how to keep your water tank from freezing, explore our blogs or contact us directly.