People use water storage tanks for all kinds of reasons. Some businesses use them because they regularly need a source of water during their day-to-day operations. Some farms use them, and some homeowners also use them to store water for emergencies. You must get the right kind of tank that suits your particular water storage needs. Continue reading to learn about the differences between above and underground water tanks.

The Maintenance

One of the biggest differences between above ground and underground tanks is the maintenance you’ll have to do with each. An above ground tank is much easier to maintain as you won’t need to dig whenever you want to check on something. Depending on your location, you can even contact professionals to come and take a look at your tank. Doing the same for underground tanks is much more difficult, as you’ll need to do a lot of digging before any inspection can occur.

However, while checking on the underground tank will be more difficult, these tanks stay in better condition for longer. The tanks are made to last and won’t encounter too many issues down the line, while an aboveground tank can fall victim to many factors, requiring more frequent checks and maintenance.

Life Span and Durability

Jumping off the last point, another difference between the tanks is their durability and their overall life span. An aboveground tank can last a while, but issues like leakages and corrosion are more common. They are subject to vandalism, extreme weather, and pests, so you must maintain them regularly if you want them to stay in top condition. Alternatively, an underground tank can last much longer since fewer external factors can affect it. However, that doesn’t mean maintenance isn’t important for these tanks. You should still dig around the tank regularly to ensure that there are no leakages or any other disturbances you must address.

Your Space

The most apparent difference between the two tanks is their space. If you have an aboveground tank, you will need to find adequate space to lay a foundation and store it. On the other hand, you can install an underground tank, which won’t take up any of your aboveground space other than some pipes and pumps. When you use underground tanks, you can use the land for other purposes—even the land right above the tank! You should cordon off the area to ensure that you don’t drive over the tank with a heavy truck or something similar, but other than that, the space is usable for anything you see fit.

After learning about the differences between above and underground water tanks, you’ll be able to better figure out which tank works best for you. If you’re a business or homeowner interested in installing some tanks, you should contact us at Royal Liner. You can get your tank, and we can help keep it safe and secure because we are the tank lining company you can rely on! Our liners are easy to install and will prevent any corrosion or leaks in your tank!