As with any product, cistern water tanks have a specific lifespan. Depending on the size, purpose, and frequency of use, some cistern tanks may last longer than others. The care taken in cleaning and maintaining the cistern tank may also impact its lifespan. Though most cistern tanks do typically have a rather long lifespan, there are certain measures you can take to ensure your tank remains functional even longer. Below are a few tips for how to extend the life of cistern water tanks to ensure their continued functionality for many years to come.

Establish a cleaning routine

One of the best tips for how to extend the life of cistern water tanks is to establish a regular cleaning routine. Dirt, debris, and algae build-up can significantly impact the integrity of your cistern tank and can cause it to function improperly. As this build-up can also affect the integrity of the water stored inside, it’s absolutely crucial that you establish a regular cleaning schedule for your cistern tank. At a minimum, cistern tanks should have a thorough cleaning once a year, but there’s no harm in establishing a semi-annual cleaning routine. During your annual or semi-annual cleaning, you’ll also be able to assess the cistern for any signs of cracks or damage. This will enable you to address any concerns head-on and you will be able to repair damages before they progress any further.

Set yourself up for success

When it comes to extending the life of your cistern water tank, it’s always better to be proactive rather than reactive. Heading straight to the source and setting yourself up for success from the beginning will reduce the likelihood of cracks forming in the tank and will, therefore, extend the life of your tank. One of the best ways to do this is by outfitting your cistern tank with a high-quality tank liner. This tank liner will reduce the harmful effects that dirt, debris, and algae can have on your cistern tank and will reduce the effect of any chemicals you may use to keep your cistern clean, such as chlorine or bleach. For more information on how concrete water tank liners can extend the life of your tank, contact our team at Royal Liner.

Change with the seasons

As the seasons change, it’s important to take a moment to assess your water tank for any signs of cracks or damage. Each season will bring its own set of challenges and potential threats for your cistern tank. By far the most challenging season will be winter. During winter, your tank has an increased risk of freezing and cracking as a result. Taking extra precautionary measures to prevent your tank from freezing in the winter will reduce the risk of further damage throughout the year. The fewer damages your cistern tank experiences, the longer its lifespan will inevitably last.